Monday, January 29, 2018

Miniaturizing an electronic circuit

1. Miniaturizing a circuit

Currently there are many equipment with large sizes in the market having similar functionality. For example, Windows laptop and Windows phone use the same operating system, but the hardware, circuit board, and chips on a phone are smaller in size.

If we could take a photograph of a larger electronic circuit with ID of those electronic chips, and then use database to search for smaller alternative circuits/chips, the miniaturizing task would be easier.

If a chip came with firmware, the smaller circuit should also support functionality in the firmware.

The operating system is more complex, but it seems to me that Windows OS is the same for both Windows laptop and Windows mobile phone.

2. Building a huge database

This could be done by creating a huge database for

-         ID of smaller chips comparable with larger chips. For example, Intel has made many larger chips (less expensive) for laptop and equivalent smaller chips (expensive) for a mobile phone. Those equivalent chips are saved in database.

-         Smaller alternative circuit equivalent to a larger circuit. In this case, hardware designers have to come up with designs for possible equivalent circuit. Those alternative designs would be saved in database.

-         Usually smaller printed circuit would be less resistance, capacitance, or inductance. System would suggest the additional resistors, inductors, or capacitors appropriately for a smaller circuit board.

The issue would be building a database. The hard part would be design of alternative circuits, and try to match the alternative circuit with other parts of a system. For example,

-         An equivalent smaller microprocessor may have 10 pins, but the larger microprocessor has 20 pins.
-         The data bus would be different between 2 printed circuits
-         The hard drive may be different in number of pins for both circuits
-         Etc.

The alternative design would consider those facts and propose a design to cover the above scenario, i.e. matching printed circuit or coming up with additional components to bridge the difference.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Pattern recognition v1.1

1. Image recognition

To teach a computer to learn an object, we could let it taking images of sample objects and stored in database.
For example, taking photo of a hot dog with maximum and minimum sizes recognized for a hot dog. The max and min size would properly be scaled in sample images stored in database. Of course, operators must enter the real max/min size of that hot dog in database.

Assuming we take photo of an object (hot dog) at the same distance as when taking sample, the photo of an object (hot dog) with appropriate photo scale could be recognized as a hot dog or not. With max or min sizes’ photo in database, we could estimate the size of the captured hot hog. If an object is larger than a max hot dog, system would rule it out.
Speaking of pattern recognition, we could think the sample object as a transparent. When an object is captured in photo, we could apply the transparent of sample objects on top of the captured image. Operators must train the system to determine some acceptable variation of the captured image. If variation conditions of the sample image and captured image are met, that object is identified.

We could think of an object is composed of curves, straight lines, etc. We could zoom in or out of sample image on top of a captured object to compare its shapes in terms of curves, straight lines, etc. Some curves of the captured image could be varied a little bit as compared to the sample object. (Operators must train the system to determine some acceptable variation of curves and lines.)
If we take photo of an object at the same distance, we could estimate size of another object placed at the same distance.

If we know the size of an object, we could estimate the distance between the camera to the same object placed at different distance.

If an object image is captured at a known zoom, the real size of that object could be estimated as well as the distance between the object and the cameras, i.e. the size of a photo image must be a constant in width and length. For example, at a certain zoom, system would be able to tell the real size of the scene in a photo; so an object’s real size and its distance could be estimated.
2. Voice pattern recognition

When we talked, our voice was captured as waves in an image. If we used the same strategy as in image recognition, we could determine correct words, letters, or phrases.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Self-driving cars with sensors v1.4

1. Equipment

A self-driving car would be equipped with many sensors to provide information about road conditions in order to control its speed, brake, steering wheel as well as safe distance with other objects or cars on the roads. Those equipment could be

-         GPS with precision to lane

-         Photo sensor with image processing or pattern recognition capability

-         Radar or laser beam to estimate safe distance between the car and other objects

-         Weather forecast center or the information control dashboard should be connected to a local weather forecast station via wireless (mobile router of a cellular phone) in order to know the current weather such as raining or snowing.

Figure 1. A self-driving car with its sensors

2. Laser beam

The car would be equipped with 8 laser beams in order to estimate the distance between itself and other objects in front of, behind, and around it.

There are many laser tools to estimate distance of an object and a laser tool in the market.

The laser beam would help to estimate, or control speed of a car, or its position (moving a little bit to the right or left) for a safe distance on the roads with other objects around it.
There is a physic formula to calculate distance based on the bounced back signal strength of a wave signal, i.e. used by laser beam in this case.

If the car in front of it is driving at slower speed than the upper speed limit suggested by the GPS, the car could try to change lane to pass that car.

The front/rear of the car could be equipped with 3 laser beams each to detect objects in the front/back of it.

In this note, the laser beams and photo sensors were used to determine safe distance. For changing lanes and other tasks, more laser beams and sensors would be needed.

3. Photo sensor or capture

a. Laser beam failed

There is a case that the laser beams would fail, i.e. snowing or raining days.

In the case that the distance reported by the laser beam changed drastically, the photo sensors would be activated to confirm the weather around the car and estimate safe distance along with the laser beam.

The photo sensor is special that it could estimate if an object similar with a car’s shape is so close to itself in order to slow down the vehicle.

b. Rain fall and snow fall

The rain fall and snow fall could be such a way that it blocked the laser beam to make system thinks that a wall was around the car.
There would be a sample of data reported by the laser periodically. For example, the car was so close to an object, but 50 msec later the car is at safe distance to objects around it. By confirming the laser data reported with weather forecast, system would mark this situation as rain fall or snow fall. Otherwise, system would report laser beam failed, and repair was suggested.

The laser beam on the side of a car would likely report intermittent safe distance and dangerously close repeatedly. However, to make system less expensive the photo sensors would be equipped at the front and back of the car, i.e. direction of a fast moving car.

By coupling a photo sensor and laser beam the car could keep safe distance with other objects.

4. Clarification
By adding more laser beams or photo sensors in around a car would increase the chance to detect safe distance in snowy or rainy days, but it is not a bullet proof solution.
To detect a car was in its blind spot, the car could be equipped with more laser beams and photo sensors installed on the left side, right side, and corners of the car.
5. Explanation of devices
a. GPS navigator
With precision to lane, the control center could help to keep a car in correct lane. With knowledge of number of lanes on a road, control center could help the car to change lanes correctly.
b. Laser beam
The laser beam is using technology as used in radar. It beams waves and catches the rebound waves in order to determine rebounded signal strength. Based on the rebounded signal strength, it estimates the distance between the car and the object blocking the beams.
c. Photo sensor
The photo sensor would capture images. Image processing software would compare the captured image with its data in database for image recognition, i.e. snow, rain, car, walls, etc. in the photo. Based on the captured image, the control center would take appropriate actions.
I don’t think a photo sensor could estimate the distance between the car and object in the photo unless it knew the object’s size in advance. For example, photo of the back of a Toyota Camry is stored in database. Based on photo, system uses recorded real size of a Camry plus size of the Camry in the photo, it could estimate the distance.
d. Weather forecast center or car’s control center
Based on information received from a local Weather Forecast Station via wireless Internet, the control center could confirm and decide appropriate actions.
A photo sensor could also detect snow or rain based on sample data in its database stored in the control center.
The car’s computer system or control system could connect to the information control dashboard, where users could connect it to a cellular phone via WiFi.
6. Using photo sensors for traffic signs

Unless each traffic intersection implement signal transmitters to inform the current traffic light such as red, yellow, green AND stop sign, a car must use its photo sensors to detect traffic signs.

If traffic signal transmitters implemented, the car could catch the signals and adjust its speed, and use photo sensors to detect cars around it in order to move correctly.

The photo sensors could detect “green, yellow, red, or color arrow” or “stop sign” used in a traffic intersection. It compared to its database for a known patterns such as square box around a green, yellow, red spots.

Basically the car must have a database of images for known objects on the roads, so it can compare and decide the meaning of objects captured in a photo.

7. Backup strategy in case of technology failed

Self-driving cars have been relying on first on GPS for lane precision, or second on lane marking to keep a vehicle travelling in correct lane.

However, military or GPS providers could take the satellites back for upgrade or different tasks. Thus the backup plan would be return to check the lane marking to guide vehicle correctly if GPS system failed. The lane marking is not a reliable source neither as many locations covered with snow during winter time. Snow plowing process would erase or fade lane marking, too. We cannot expect cities to maintain lane marking in perfect conditions.

If the system could not find solid lane marking for 1 meter or missed a broken lane marking, it should slow down; notify the driver to take over control; if the driver didn’t take over control for 2 seconds, it should turn on the hazard lights and bring the car into full stop on the current lane (the last known trajectory would be the best guess by the system in this situation) if it couldn’t change lane and park on the side road. The car system should be disabled for 1 minute to calm down the upset driver as well as giving the driver time to access traffic around the car before merging back into traffic manually.

8. Wireless protocol

If many car manufacturers used the same laser beam and frequency for detecting safe distance between cars on the roads, then a simple protocol embedded in the laser waves should be implemented by those car manufacturers. For example,
-         Common message ID: the first few characters to identify this is a laser beam message.

-         Next 5 characters to identify a car manufacturer, e.g. TOYOT for Toyota

-         The next 9 characters are proprietary to contain ID of the car, e.g. the first 2 characters for model, and the last 7 characters for unique ID of that car.
Since there wouldn’t be necessary for vehicle to vehicle communications to avoid hackers manipulate all cars on a road causing accidents, the last 9 characters reserved for each manufacturers providing flexibility.
Manufacturers should avoid using unique ID such as vehicle’s VIN and serial number as those numbers should remain private for law enforcement, insurance, and vehicle maintenance.