2. Picking tools for QA

May 9, 2014 - Afraid of lock-in by vendor for tools used in software development?

Worry about vendor lock-in process?

In order to get ISO compliance for software development, we need to provide traceability from our requirement to test cases and to bug logged.

We used MS Word to write test cases and map each test case (TC) to a section of requirement. We used MS Excel to keep track of test case headings/execution extracted from MS Word TC document, bug IDs, TC status, and notes during TC execution.

Our QA process was manually, i.e. manually update documents. I had looked at a few tools that provide documentation control and process control for this purpose. I found those too complicated and had lots of redundancy for our system. Their developers claimed their products for general purpose. Well, I didn't want to use something too general for our products, i.e. facing their redundancy and their annoying subjects/questions/messages all the time. Those tools were web-based applications, i.e. you need to enter your data/text/TC, but they weren't guaranteed that you could retrieve your data back in MS Word or MS Excel with proper formats.
Why should I use/buy those tools and face annoying things? I couldn't get back my TC, TC execution results in MS Word and MS Excel? It is like vendor locked-in. I couldn't even propose changes to their products.

At least MS Office will stay around for a long period of time, i.e. my documents will be portable and maintained accordingly. It's likely that new word processing tools will provide porting of MS Word document anyway, i.e. safe to use MS Office.

Notes: our manual process had difficulty when there were additional or modification to test cases during test case execution phases. However it was manageable. That's why I was looking for a tool to automate our process, but I had to ensure that we could retrieve our documents including their version history back safely. Btw, document version control must be also provided with the tool, it is a requirement for audits or bug tracking, I believe.
* I chose MS Word to write TC documents, because Word is a text processor with much functionality. I can write a complex test case including images. Formatting the document as I like, and document headings are useful overview of the whole document and used for Test Report [keep track of test case execution] in Excel.

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