11. Economic Alliance

How about we form an Economic Alliance including USA, EU, Canada, and other strong economy countries to resolve worldwide economic issues?

We could also create "Buy Alliance" and high tariff on all other goods and services. China recently created many issues related to COVID-19 for exporting medical equipment, international traffic over South China Sea, etc. China is ignoring international rules.

We could build many markets around the world larger than the China market. EU has 800 consumers, but consumed fewer products. Let's say EU has an equivalent of 500 millions of consumers as USA. USA and Canada has around 380 million consumers. It'd take time to make EU market stronger, so we'd have more consumers. China has around 1.2 billion consumers, but they’re not comparable to westerners in terms of consuming goods. i.e. equivalent of roughly 500 million of westerners.

Buy Alliance spread out to many nations, thus market remains competitive.

Btw, the following countries could be founders of economic alliance

- Germany
- France
- Italy
- Canada
- England
- Russia
- Brazil
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Japan
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- Israel

We could start from the above countries.

Some of policies for countries in Economic Alliance are

- Members must stay competitive (avoid ridiculous tariff or similar to "Buy America")
- Respect IPR (intellectual property rights)
- Support democracy and freedom of media
- Support standard labor law
- etc.

Personally I think, 40 working hours per week is reasonable to make ourselves competitive. There are many countries working 6 days per week.

However, there are many members currently support 35 hours working week. They could try 37.5 working hours per week.

IPR is important to economy.

* Companies hire staff for R&D and come up with new ideas and patent those. This means "job creation".

* People risked mortgaging their houses to open a company for a dream. This means "job creation".

If they stole all ideas and patents without paying, it would mean "no company would hire staff for R&D". It's also unfair for people risking their assets to open a company.

To form the Economic Alliance doesn't require a lot of time and effort as members could pick common ground of all members to make it common rules. For example,

- Democracy
- Common rules in all members' "Labor laws". Not union's rules.
- Some good chapters in WTO
- Some good chapters in IMF
- Rules to ensure members stay competitive
- Rules to select new members or countries to trade with
- etc.

The reasons to select a few European countries instead of EU were simple. Selected countries have strong economy, thus all members are strong in economy. Members could reach an agreement quickly and enact effectively.

Speaking of economy status:

- Some said that China is enjoying "under developing country" status with lots of privileges.

The above status is false as China is at the top or second position of most powerful economy.

Personally I think, 2-week of vacation per year is a good offer to new (graduate) employees. After many years of experience, they could negotiate or be offered more vacation days by employers.

For example, Ericsson Canada offered its employees 3 weeks of vacation after staying with them for 5 years. After 10 years, employees would get 4 weeks of vacation.

If we noticed the common characteristics of the countries mentioned above, they shared common stuff such as

- Strong economy
- Democracy
- Enforcing Law & Order
- Low criminal rates
- Acceptable life styles
- Work ethics
- etc.

With strong economy and other common characteristics, the Economic Alliance could reach an agreement, and then execute those quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Why should we keep ourselve competitive? We will open our umbrella to compete with other companies outsides. Competition is a healthy part of society as it helps to create innovation, efficient work forces, lower product prices, better quality products, etc.
