
Mr. Vinh Nguyen, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with major in Computer Engineering from McGill University (In the year I enrolled in McGill University, the computer engineering courses were offered to students as options by Electrical Engineering Department. There was no Computer Engineering Faculty at that time. A year later Computer Engineering Department was founded.)
Product Verification Specialist, QA Manager, & Applications Architect
Address: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Email: canvinh@gmail.com

I am open for remote jobs, work from home, full time job around Peterborough city, or contracts. I would consider relocating to Ottawa city, because I like the city and hopefully housing market was not over the roof. I have recently uploaded some of my high level ideas, proposals, or designs about current issues around us as a reference of my work.

I have been in many positions as quality assurance leader, business analyst, software designer for software application development in mining technology, virtual retail store (POS) software application, mobile telephony, mobile user’s portal, airline maintenance/tracking services, e-commerce, web-related, and RFID products.

I have been through the SDLC with strong skills in software QA process, CMM, ISO 9001/2000, Agile, project management as well as software development in coding or as an application architect.

In QA experience, I have been through unit test, function test, system integration test, load test, and network integration test for large scale mobile telephony system. I did the first successful automated test in 1992 using Autosis at Ericsson, but I don't like the idea "writing a program to debug another program."

I would prefer high level or black box tests with UI to verify results. I would avoid to read "spaghetti" codes to save my head. I would rather at the other end to perform requirement analysis then design the system; OR write the entire sub-system codes interfacing with other sub-systems via a clear protocol or API.

The only white box testing that I prefer was with Ericsson's PLEX-C programming language coupled with TEST SYSTEM, which helps understanding many programs and fixing bugs in order of minutes in compared with hours in other programming languages such as C++ or Java.

The only thing I liked as a mobile telephony tester at Ericsson was "I had the entire mobile telephony network under my hands to play with. I could understand the whole call delivery process or new features within an hour while designers were stuck in smaller blocks or programs for months." That's why I would pick PLEX-V, which (I heard) combined PLEX-C and relational database, to develop a new system. PLEX-V = PLEX-C + relational database. Cost of development time would be lower and more fun for developers.

Manual testing is not only running test cases and comparing expected results. This is a time to think about setting up text environment and product's specification and performance. Use your common sense. I've found many design flaws in different devices, which passed automated tests?

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