24. Tracking Internet Activity


A.     Identification

A device is uniquely identified by an IP address or a mobile phone number registered with an Internet Service Provider, ISP, or Wireless Service Provider, WSP.

If we could track down the IP address or a mobile phone number, we could ask the service provider for the identity and credential of its user manually.

B.     Tracking down hacker or attacker’s identity

1.      TCP/IP packet
All messages sending over the Internet by a device used the TCP/IP or UCP packet format. Basically any messages sending over the Internet must include the originating IP address and destination IP address.
The service provider must verify and make sure that the originating IP address corresponds to its allocated/global IP address. Its users could be internally allocated a dynamic IP address or a code, so the return message to its gateway could be routed to the original sender.
Diagram B1a. Sample of [PC] devices connecting to Internet via an ISP
A mobile phone is connected to its wireless service provider via air waves. However the wireless service provider, WSP, is also allocated a global IP address. WSP also assigns each mobile phone a temporary code, internal IP address, or used its mobile phone number as unique identity within its network. A mobile phone accessing Internet must go through the gateway of its WSP. Its unique identity would allow the WSP route response from an Internet source back correctly.
2.      Structure of a TCP/IP packet
The IP address structure of a TCP/IP address should include
| Global IP address of the ISP or WSP | OC | Subnet IP OR internal codes |
-         OC: 4-bit option code. It could be “0” for subnet IP in subsequent bits; “1” for an internal code in subsequent bits; the rest reserves for future expansion.
-         The subnet IP is the internal IP address of a device within an ISP or WSP network. It’s likely used up to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 12 characters of 4 bits each character. Thus 6 bytes of a TCP/IP packet.
-         Internal codes could be 3 bytes for 16 * 16 * 16 * 16 * 16 = 16,777,216 devices within an ISP or WSP.
The current option of subnet IP uses a lot of bytes in a packet, but it conveys the same information as an internal code.
C.     Tracking a TCP/IP packet to its owner

1.      Monitoring the Internet communication

One of duties for law enforcement is to monitor the Internet to track down hackers, terrorists, criminals, etc.

This could be done by tapping the Internet with a powerful computer such as APY as a firewall as well as TCP/IP packet analyzer.

2.      Manually contact ISP or WSP

By capturing a TCP/IP message with “dangerous” contents, officers could use the packet analyzer to find out the global IP address of the ISP or WSP, subnet IP or internal code. The ISP or WSP would be then contacted to hand over the identity of the users of those dangerous contents based on information above.

There’re Internet sites providing fake or foreign proxy IP address to users. Those sites were also allocated global IP addresses and know its users. Thus the same strategy for ISP and WSP applies to those sites.

3.      Automatically tracking

The APY or monitoring computers could remotely connect to the server of an ISP and WSP via Internet. Based on analysis of an earlier TCP/IP packet by a user, APY could open a connection to correct ISP or WSP server, and query information about that user in the database. Therefore the manual process could be replaced by remote access of database.

The database of an ISP or WSP must be well protected in this case, i.e. authenticated and encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.

4.      Shut down hacker’s terminals 

If APY was used in tracking down activity in Internet communications. It’s likely that officers were familiar with TRACE commands to figure out or debug some issues. This could be implemented in the packet analyzer, too.

If TRACE or packet analyzer found out some hacking activity occurred, APY could FIRE to bring down hacker’s terminal or PC.

With packet analyzer, it would be easier as it was implemented in the program, thus it could be done automatically based on some given criteria.

The only issue with TRACE command was data captured on screen such as ISP’s IP address, subnet IP address, or internal code of the hacker. Operators could copy and paste the information and feed to a command FIRE to bring down that terminal. However this would take some time and work to be done. It would be nice if there is a link or automatic feeding of data between a TRACE command and the FIRE command, so we didn’t need to copy and paste data when used FIRE. Sample command structure could be

-         FIRE [ISP address, subnet IP or internal code]

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