8. European Union’s issues

A.        Negative rates and issues

ECB has maintained negative rates for a decade with a reason to lower its currency, euro, exchange rate as compared to other currency. ECB and policy makers hope that it would spark investment in euro zone as well as making its export products less expensive.

However, it has proved that negative rates did not push wealthy investors or money managers invested in euro zone for job creation. Its economy is still in recession. USA had credit crunch issues in 2009, and it’s out of recession in around 2013. Its interest rate set by FED has not been in negative territory, and USD is a high valuation currency.

Here are the issues:

1.      Euro is used by 800 million users as main currency, thus investors like to park their cash in euro. The same with USD as US economy is always strong with its consumer spending habits.
·         How could ECB kicked out of investors without harming its own economy.
·         Negative rates helped, but other assets inflated and investors parked or invested money elsewhere.

2.      EU is a union of many western and eastern countries with different working cultures as well as knowledge and productivity.
·         It is impossible to make all EU people working with the same ethics or being productive to compete with workers in other countries such as USA.
·         Policy like having same pension benefits, minimum wages, and vacation days would make unbalanced work forces and scare business owners away.
·         Unions are not good or on the same side with business owners to create jobs or compete with other around the world.

3.      EU has implemented many policies that made it uncompetitive such as carbon tax and high income taxes to the wealthy individuals. They would move their assets elsewhere with lower tax brackets.

4.      The negative rates have forced assets inflated such as resident housing markets. This will be blown up in due time. Keeping negative rates forever would hurt banks, so they have no time to select good business to invest in. All they are thinking about is to flee EU.

5.      Without common euro, Greece should have been declared bankruptcy and been forced to spend responsibly without impacting other nations currently within EU.

B.        Possible solutions

The main issue in EU would be productivity of their work force and common euro.

1.      Dismantle the common euro and EU zone, thus all countries must be responsible about their economy and budgets. This would eliminate unproductive time by other strong economy countries such as Germany to interfere and govern. Time and effort are money. This would also lower noise as bad hands in another country business.

2.      Maintain CETA as free trade is a global trend, which could not be broken or changed.

3.      Lower starting vacation days to 2 weeks. This would be aligning with USA and Canada. This helps to increase productivity by local work forces.
·         New hire with 2 weeks of vacation should get high pay checks as compared with current 4-week vacation workers.
·         People like to switch to 2 weeks of vacation should get higher pay checks.

4.      Cancel carbon tax and provide incentive to industrial companies to install a system to capture CO2 and store carbon.

5.      Companies producing electric cars or hydrogen fuel cars would get tax credits, but car buyers cannot get credits. Many people buy electric cars to show off their wealth, thus it’s not fair to get other people’s money to pay for those.

6.      Getting car companies to invent exhaust system to reduce CO2 release from gasoline cars. Give them tax credit proportional to the decreased amount.

7.      Get interest rate back to zero and have contingency plan to deal with explode housing markets.

8.      Interest rate should not be lower than 1%, this would help to maintain or keep income funds in business as well as extra income to pensioners.

9.      Do QE during recession or exploding housing market could be strategies described in https://peterboroughtechservices.blogspot.com/p/doingqe-during-recession-buying-fixed.html

10.  Lower personal income tax for everyone, because wealthy people are paying higher taxes anyway. It is better to be fair and keeps everyone happy. Let’s working people have money to spend as they like is better than government spending like Greece. You could argue that you’re better than Greek governments, but you cannot guarantee the competency of incoming governments.

11.  Let each CETA member set minimum wages in their country based on its own productivity and living costs. This would help job creation in Eastern Europe and decrease illegal immigration to Western Europe, where productivity higher and job availability or concentration. Eastern Europe would serve Western Europe as a pool of low labour cost's work forces. They don’t need to open offices in other countries such as China for lower labour costs.

12.      Let’s assume that Hungary and Poland wanted to spin off from EU to create their own currencies and maintain in CETA. They could perform the follow steps immediately without waiting currency’s exchange rates

·         Each country would reach agreement with EU to spin off

·         Set their own central banks’ interest rates for lending. Disregard rates set by ECB.
·         Use euro as national currency until working out their currency and exchange rates. This is like pegging your currency to euro temporarily.
·         Set minimum wages based on euro
·         Performed step 9 above to grow economy by letting local banks to perform lending with its own national debts
·         When the currency introduced with exchange rates. Revisit minimum wages in new currency and start using new currency.
·         Continue trading as usual with new currency and be a member of CETA.

The main issue would be that EU policy made themselves uncompetitive on the world stage.

1 comment:

  1. Usually currency is tied to the performance of a national economy.

    If economy was strong, investors would buy stocks or invest in the country that push up the currency value. This would cause a brake in exports.

    During trouble time such as recession, traders fleed the country or stocks that would lower value of national currency. However it would help export indirectly, and this would bring the economy back on track.

    Using the same or pegging your currency to another currency such as common euro would cause trouble to your national economy. If your local jobs were weak and euro was in high value, this was a double blow to your effort to bring economy back on track.

    To break up from the common euro, you could run your national economy independently and regard euro as a pegging currency. Until you worked out reasonable exchange rate, then your new currency would be official in your nation and to international communities.
