18. What are listeners?

What are listeners?
Are we concerning with listeners embedded in PC? Comparing between iPad and Windows laptop, which one is better?
* iPad is in screen saver mode when the screen turned dark. Most of iPad users believe that iPad was turned off. By touching the only button, it came back quicker than a Windows PC.
-> Wrong. The iPad was in screen saver mode unless you turn it off by holding the power button long enough. Thus we have permanent/portable listeners floating around, but users didn't know. The iPad was still connected to Internet in this state.
-> Btw, iPad users said that iPad loaded up faster than a Windows PC. They compared an apple to an orange.

* Win7 PC would be in screen saver mode after a determined period of inactivity. Then it will enter standby mode, which turned off any Internet connectivity. This is safer in my opinions as I didn't want any remote login or intruders while I was away from the PC. If a Windows PC was a listener, it'd be off for a while - less disturb to the environment.

* In the article below, Win8 allows Internet connectivity during standby mode.
>"Starting with Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, connected standby is a new low-power state that features extremely low power consumption while maintaining Internet connectivity."


Notes: I prefer the way Microsoft handled PC in Win7. If users wanted they could set their PC to maintain Internet connections in case of online servers. The default should be off. Maybe offering the security software and settings to allow ongoing download continued and to delay the standby mode.

* Our smart phone is always in ON mode.

To be clear, insane could spy on us by using neural networks, too. Just eliminating some sources or narrowing down issues.

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