5. EU issues

July 22, 2016: Currently European stocks are depressed due to sluggish economy and Brexit.
1. Economy would be back, but we couldn't tell the exact time and date.

* The common euro is a key factor to delay all decisions in kicking start of economy in EU, where countries are different.

* Euro is administered by ECB. Each decision would require months of discussions with many central banks. However the rate didn't tailor to each country's needs to kick start their economy.

* Saving a key bank as it was a backbone of an economy is a "mandatory" task. However, dragging ECB in would be a nightmare as ECB is involved by many parties with different interests.
-> If a country is conservative, their banks are safe, but they didn't have explosive earnings as trouble banks during previous years. How could they agree to save trouble banks? It's not fair.

-> It's better to let each country save its own local banks. If they didn't like their own banks, they could kill those banks.

* Due to the common euro, EU members have been heavily involved in Greece's troubles since Tsipras and Yanis in power around 30/1/2015, i.e. lots of money spent in debts/funding as well as time in discussion and argument. It's really a waste of time and money. Without common euro, Greece could devaluate its currency and end issues with little loss by some investors. This issue is not ended as of today.

2. Brexit is the negative factor that could be removed quickly.

It is the best interest by both EU and UK to end this ridiculous hand off.

a. EU could trigger the Article 50 to force UK resigned from EU. This would also cause a little chaos as EU kicked out a member forcefully.

b. The other option would be that UK picked a model to trade with CETA. There are a few models out there. UK was a part of CETA, which engaged UK business in this model. Having picked a model would settle down UK business as well as outsiders for certainty.

- Of course, free trades with other countries would follow in years, but CETA is a key trade that UK must settle as quickly as possible.

- Theresa May and Independent UK didn't know that they had upset EU or CETA members too much already by Brexit? They kept upsetting a key trade that they have to conclude quickly? Why did they want to create chaos in Europe?

- Having to discuss a trade deal with CETA as Canada or USA would take several years or decade, but UK can't afford that delay. Especially Theresa May and Independent UK keep upsetting EU. There is a human factor involved as people do get upset and angry.

3. CETA would be the only good thing in EU for its ease in trades between many countries in Europe.

a. EU nation wouldn't be achievable due to strong and unique identities by many members, thus pursuing this path would cost money and time. This won't happen successfully as a fact.

b. Different working cultures

* Germans are competitive and willing to work. Their GDP is higher than other members.

* Greek is not competitive, but demanding higher wages and higher pensions than other members. I heard that Greek didn't want to work.

* Of course, Germans wouldn't be happy to spend their money earned to other members such as Greek. Other members wouldn't be happy with higher pensions demanded by Greek.

c. If UK was bound only in CETA, this would be resolved quickly by restoring tariffs for importing and exporting goods and products between UK and CETA members.

- Perhaps 1 day to announce and 6 months to take affect by adjusting taxes at borders.

- With leaving EU by UK, it had created chaos in EU and UK. Perhaps UK is tied to EU with many policies. Thus it's harder to resolve, e.g. debt?

4. Greek, especially Yanis and Tsipras, are practicing communism within EU umbrella.

a. Greek expects everyone is equal regardless of work contributed to the whole entity.

* This idealism is false.

* Hard working and talented individuals expect to earn and live more comfortably than average but lazy individuals. This is a fact of human characters. Of course, there would be protest and huge argument within EU that costs money and time. Greek would fail, but EU also paid for time and money, i.e. didn't go anywhere.

* Those inherited or self-made billionaires have invested money in business, thus they expect return in investment. If you didn't like to "work for" a company, you would "work for" another or open your own business. This is a fact of life.

b. Soviet Union was dismantled. This was a proof that communism didn't work.

- Cuba seems to be the only communists that didn't destroy their people's characteristics. Cuban is poorer than other countries.

- North Korea is also a poor country. It is dragged in dispute about nuclear program, which didn't help North Korea at all for its military power. It should sign deal with NATO to abandon this program and restore economy/trades with others including South Korea.
-> North Korean must know that USA and Russia have the most nuclear war heads. They didn't want to produce more, and tried to reduce those.
-> However if North Korea entered this field, this would threaten them. US and Russia would perform sanctions or similar strategies to make North Korea in troubles in order to drop nuclear program. If it didn't work, they would ramp up their nuclear war heads at faster rates and strike North Korea, before North Korea became a huge threat.
-> Nuclear weapon is deadly. USA and Russia wouldn't want any countries threaten them with those.

- China and Viet Nam are hardliners in communism. They had destroyed generation with this ideology. Corruptions occurred at all levels of governments. Environments have been destroyed. They only care about money regardless of methodology including poisonous products sold in public.

Of course, democratic countries also have bad individuals, but at lower percentage. For example, Donald Trump would do anything for money regardless of US economy or security.

5. This is not a question of pro-business. This is a fact that business brings jobs into a country. Governments collected taxes from both business and workers.

* Governments are not allowed to do business. Perhaps they would be biased in less spending on social activities, if being a business owner.

* Getting all profits or higher percentage of profits from corporates by taxes would trigger them leaving the country.

* Unions are doing the same thing like taxes by asking too much from their business, thus business prepared to leave whenever it's appropriate. Look how business left for Mexico in auto sectors in North America.

* In addition to giving dividends to its shareholders, business must retain cash/profits for future expansion, i.e. more business. If you choked them, they left.

* In brief, we need business for jobs in our country, but we're not pro-business, i.e. not supporting business to do whatever they wanted to destroy our country or environment.
-> China pro-business to destroy their environment and society.
-> USA pro-business, so NRA created too many gun violence in public places.

6. Jews are also communists, but they don't even have a country to care for.

* Jews have been spread around the world to make money, which is the only thing that Jews care. Jews prefer chaos to make quick money.

* Jews have created money pools, thus Jews would be fighting to protect that pools. Jews used that pool to recruit fighters and to make money. The size of many money pools are sizeable in order of hundreds billions of US dollars. This is a concern.

* Jews had spread neural networks in order to control many government officials, and get news by grabbing memories. This would help Jews to make money in business and stock markets.

* Seizing or dismantling money pools would disarm Jews.

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