3. Using Corporate Networks

Using Corporate Networks

Probably in the mid 90's, the home Internet connection was very slow [dial-up service], and there was a company advertised a web phone. I thought about using corporate's data networks for [public] Internet long distant phone, because company networks were private and super fast at that time. This private networks did not have a lot of users using networks all the times, e.g. Ericsson has offices in many continents like America, Europe, Australia, and probably in Asia. Thus using Ericsson private networks, we could get low rates long distance's calls in countries that Ericsson had offices. Basically calls routed using Corporate data networks to the remote office and then connected to local telephony networks over there.

Anyway this idea was obsolete as many VoIP companies provide inexpensive VoIP services like Magic Jack. It is affordable for long distant calls to Canada and USA.

VoIP/Internet phone was good if we had high speed Internet like 1Mbs or higher. Otherwise voice quality would drop to poor level. I had 5Mbs high speed Internet, so it was very good.

P.S. if I planned to use Corporate's private data networks for business use, I'd have to sign a deal with them. No hacking or unauthorized use, because they'd sue and I'd be out of business as a result. I've dropped ideas of opening/running a business, I only like working full time. Being business owner would be very busy like 24/7.

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