21. Preloaded software on a PC

Notes about computers and hackers on June 17, 2014: Preloaded software.
I also had problems with preloaded software on my lap tops. Usually our lap tops were preloaded with OS and some "freeware" or AD-ware. In my case, they were preloaded with Microsoft OS (Win 7) and some software.

I noticed something strange with my lap tops and they had only 1 partition. I liked to have 2 partitions, i.e. one partition for the Windows OS, the other for temporary data. When the OS was corrupted, I just reinstalled the OS and leaved the data partition intact.

Fortunately I bought another desktop, and the sale man gave me a Windows 7 CD ROM. I've re-formatted my 2 laptops and the desktop several times, too. Of course, I've reinstalled the Win 7 on all of my computers and partition them as I like. Usually in the back of our lap top there is a sticker with a Windows OS's product key. That's all we need while reinstalling the Windows OS.
--> Why did I format my hard disk several times? I wanted to make sure to erase everything on the hard drive. I heard that the format utility only erase File Allocation Table [FAT] and randomly erase some tracks by writing garbage to those tracks. Formatting several times would randomly erase more tracks on the hard disk. I don't want aliens just insert back their info on the FAT and reuse their weapons without reinstalling their things on other sections of the hard disk. If the format utility only erases the FAT or "file information section like file location and size", formatting several times would not help.
--> Actually I also formatted the System [reserved] partition. The [original] Win7 installation disk/CD-ROM performed well, i.e. the System partition could be formatted. I have formatted my lap tops several times already. I like this solution rather than trying to figure out what the damn things that those insane aliens loaded [secretly] on my lap tops.
--> The process to reinstall my lap top with Win7 took around 15 min - 20 minutes using the original Windows OS. After that I just connected to the Internet and download Windows Update or patches by Microsoft --> this process may take couple of hours, but we don't need to stay around the computer.

Seriously I like to know what were installed on my computers. I used to go to the provider's web site to download those, e.g.
adobe.com to download Acrobat Reader and Flash Player. I don't know if other web sites provided genuine software or added some malicious software in it.
--> If we didn't trust the software providers, then we should not install their products. I used Microsoft Windows OS, Microsoft Office, and Adobe products, thus I downloaded software or patches directly from their sites. Let's them worry about malicious hackers or aliens.

* Notes: if you have sensitive personal data, you should buy a USB external hard disk. Unplug it from your computer after each use. Btw, my computer don't have anything interesting. However you don't protect your computer, i.e. malicious hackers can get your data easily --> they have free time --> they would attack uninteresting computers like mine for fun.
Which organizations are malicious hackers interested in?
[1] Government offices for policy, regulations, plans, and investigations
[2] Banks for information about their clients
[3] Financial institutions for investments, and info about their clients
[4] Big corporations for intellectual properties and plans
[5] Midsize and smaller size corporations
[6] Wealthy individuals
[last] Personal computers or smart phones of people like me.

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