What is a band pass filter?
A bandpass filter is an electronic circuit that allows a specific range
of frequencies to pass through while attenuating frequencies outside that
range. It is commonly used in audio and radio frequency applications to
selectively filter out unwanted frequencies and isolate the desired signal.
Reference: https://eepower.com/technical-articles/how-to-create-bandpass-filters/#
Figure 1. Passive Low Pass Filter at https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/filter/filter_2.html
Circuit for passive low pass filter
Cut-off Frequency and Phase Shift
Figure 2. Passive High Pass Filter at https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/filter/filter_3.html
Circuit for passive high pass filter
Cut-off Frequency and Phase
Figure 3. Reference source for passive
band pass filter design: https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/filter/filter_4.html
Circuit for
band pass filter
· Formula for capacitors and resistors
C1 = 1 / 2πfLR
C2 = 1 /
As shown
in the figure 5 above, the signals with frequencies between fL and fH
will be allowed to go through in an electronic circuit for further processing.
Signals falling outside of this range would be attenuated or died out.
This passive band pass filter circuit is a
common circuit in many electronic circuit boards to eliminate signal noise. The circuit
consists of resistors and capacitors; thus, designers could refer to
the web pages above to calculate required values of those components based on
required cut off frequencies.
article shows how to calculate components and design a passive band pass
filter: https://www.electronicshub.org/passive-band-pass-rc-filter/
List of filters
with calculations and explanations: https://www.electronicshub.org/filters/
Go to the reference links as images wasn't clear.
ReplyDeleteOur brain has something called brain waves. Electronic devices such as laptop, computer servers, mobile phone, TV, cable box, etc. could emit electromagnetic waves as well as brain waves, if developers implemented.
ReplyDeleteOur brain waves have different frequencies than WiFi, 5G signals, etc. I don't know its range or frequencies.
If those electronic devices emit brain waves that match ours, then we would get unpleasant effects, which could be voices, heart attack, unintended movements, etc. They could even load video on our brains.
One possible solution is to require electronic manufacturer to include _passive band pass filter_ to block brain wave emitted from their equipment while searching for the rest on earth.
Any hackers or attackers could login an electronic device, install software, and then send out brain's attacking signals. This was the reason to block brain wave emission from a device.
ReplyDeleteIn short, we could be controlled as a robot if those signals were not interrupted. Our brain, memory, nerves, sense, and conscious were not free from attacks. We could be like a speaker too. There are many kinds of attacks that you couldn't believe unless you're a target.