9. OOD vs. decoupling design.

I prefer the old ways of programming by breaking down the system in smaller independent modules. Common functions, methods, and procedures are incorporated in a separate module/class called library. This way the whole system could share the library.

Speaking of fixing bugs, we could modify a smaller module and deploy in the field without touching the library shared by other modules as well as other modules.

Currently developers like super class and inheritance to couple many modules together. It is like a library at the parent class sharing with children classes. If a bug found at the super class, do we need to recompile the whole structure including children classes? How many files have to be redeployed? How about a bug at a child class?
-> If inheritance was for easier understand of the system. Documentation was a super alternative.

What do you think about modifying an existing function in a library? Is this a good idea?

Do you like to read codes to figure out what system is doing or by reading good documents? I prefer documents with
- diagrams
- texts to explain

ANSI-41 rev B is a good document with diagrams and texts. It's not a big document to read, but described mobile telephony, a complex system.

Speaking of programming style:

* Do you like to write codes in a simple and straight forward, which are easy to understand?
* or making codes sophisticated to make readers thinking hard to figure out? This would make you a deep thinker?

Perhaps big corporations prefer deep thinkers.

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