17. Self-adjusted network management

Currently many companies are advertising artificial intelligence in many technology fields. One of them could be in network management area.

Most of time companies are managing their network for required access by users. Therefore IT could create a good database of their users, network capacity, allowed devices, allowable capacity per account, etc. to monitor their networks.

Many of the following notes had been implemented by network operators.

1. User access

In addition to firewall, each user has an account in network such as ISP or wireless operator. Each account is allocated with a unique user ID, home router ID, phone number, etc. If an authorized user accesses their network, they could be automatically disconnected.

Those unauthorized accesses must be logged in database as well as notification to IT staff by email/message, so they could look into their network firewall and database to secure it.

Each user account is assigned with a unique device, thus system could also recognize this.

IT staff could install simple packet analyzer as their firewall and link their result to monitor networks effectively.

2.  User capacity

Each user is allocated a specific data download capacity per month. If user’s download closed to its maximum capacity, system would automatically send an email to warn users about this situation.

Users could increase their download capacity or buy an additional amount of download capacity using a web service. Upon selection, the download capacity would be automatically adjusted.

This is also applied to prepaid phone users for prepaid air time.

3. Network threshold

All users are sharing the same network bandwidth. If many users are using at the same time, operators would scale down our access speed in order to allow all users’ access at the same time.

In some cable operator’s network, they sold you 50Mbps download speed, but you didn’t get it during weekends or evenings because of that.

The network scaling could be done automatically by system by monitoring network usages.

4. Statistic

System could provide a statistic report on all issues above. Based on the report, network operators would upgrade their system accordingly.

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