1. My special firewall

I wrote the patent application, “Method and apparatus for monitoring data packets in a packet-switched network", based on knowledge that I've learnt in cellular telephony and protocols. I hadn't worked in security or firewall business. I wrote it as a defense way to alien, who threaten to get my documents from my PC. Btw, my documents were not sensitive, but I didn't like hackers.

If you're concerned about a protocol, just open the protocol spec. The spec described message headers and a section for data. They are pretty similar to me.

Regarding the patent application “Method and apparatus for monitoring data packets in a packet-switched network" at
uspto.gov, I had designed the unattending mode to close communications to my computer as I walked away, because aliens and Chinese threatened to steal all things in my computer while I was away from my PC. The unattended mode could be triggered by stand by/screen saver mode in a computer. Only on-going selected tasks are allowed in this mode for a predetermined time. Seriously I'd like my computer stop communicating completely with the current stand by mode. [my kind of firewall was not implemented to monitor.]

For example, only things like ongoing incoming ftp [get] could allow while you're away, other applications like outgoing email or outgoing ftp [put] must be stopped or unallowed.

My design was only on paper. I did not have a chance to complete it. It is free for implementation as it was published before 2002 [check the date of the provisional patent appl'n], and I dropped the patent application.

Unattended mode tasks were only useful if you could monitor your system during this time. Otherwise it's better to shut it down in dormant mode. I noticed iPad kept beeping or active while it was closed. This was not good to me.

>>> I've uploaded documents at https://www.linkedin.com/in/TVinhNguyen/ under ViSys section.

I used Norton security software once, it gave options to block protocols. However I need something to figure out what protocol an application using. For example, I wanted to know what protocol a web application using - I blocked all protocols except http port 8080, the web application failed to work? Norton did not report which ports the web app was trying to use? Btw, it was
www.vietfun.com, a web chat, which used another protocol.

* There are many applications currently, but they never said which protocols or ports that they're using. I don't want to open all ports for hackers coming.

* Norton security was kind of slow down my PC. My kind of firewall would be easily implemented [except database part] using PLEX-C by Ericsson's AXE.

The terminology "originating" meant outgoing packets of your system. "Terminating" meant incoming packets to your system. These were telephony terms.

I had abandoned this patent application, thus it's free for implementation. Why?

* I couldn't find critical components to control incoming and outgoing packets in/out of a computer system.
* I couldn't find a venture capitalist to support development of this firewall application.
* Btw, at that time USA was promoting Home Land Security, but nobody was interested. This firewall was kind of security.
* I did contact firewall provider companies including Microsoft, but there was no interest in this application. No response from any of them.

-> I abandoned the final patent application process. Why should I spend more money to patent attorney, if it was of no use?

Notes: the patent attorney said that patent applications in USA, USPTO, would cover 30% of market. It's expensive for a patent application, and you'd need a patent attorney.

I wrote this patent application as a defense way to aliens coming to my house and ask me for ideas or implementation. Patent application would turn all of their requests as a stupid way. Anyways I found writing white paper is a better way, i.e. don't waste money on patent applications.

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