7. Cloud based servers v1.1

Cloud based servers v1.1
They have been talking/buzzing about "cloud based" or "cloud service" everywhere. It seems like a big thing in technology? Also cloud of devices have access the Internet.
1. Tracking messages
Personally I didn't find this amazing, if they were talking about messages or communications from a computer, tablet, smart phone, or something connected to a server through Internet or wireless network? We could implement things to straight it out.
Seriously to make investigation life easier or tracking of malicious attackers, the protocol message must contain the identity of its service provider. For example, from a computer, smart phone, tablet, or something --> development should be easier, too. Display on a smart phone or computer are different based on that indicator. [Look at WAP at one point.] Tracking down to the service provider, investigator should be able to identify the device owner of those originated messages/attacker.

Servers should reject all messages that did not contain identity of the originator.

[Wire line transmission is really a mess that I didn't know. Investigators should plug it.]

Actually I heard that investigators have been plugging many nodes to make malicious attackers' [neural network's] network fragmented and exposed their identities. Malicious attackers have not been aware of this?

Another article mentioned that cloud meant a cluster of servers providing different services. So, tracking at the main hub where service requests were redirected to designated server.
2. Structure of a cloud based servers
Each company providing cloud servers must know locations of their servers. It could be viewed as a cluster of data centers running in parallel.
Based on the originating request from a user, it could direct the request or query to correct server or data center. For example, Canadian users could have gmail servers in Canada, but US users would access their gmail in a server in USA.
Some services must stay within borders of a country, thus the hub or domain server must know where to direct the request, i.e. servers in a country or in another country.
Placing a packet analyzer at the hub or domain server, we could track all messages before it dispatched to different servers in this cloud.
3. Blockchain
Blockchain claimed that there are hundreds of thousands secured servers worldwide, but those advertisers didn’t know the location of those servers. Who are the admin? Who are managing those servers? Hackers and criminals control those servers?
Blockchain is the foundation network for bit coin and Euthereum coin. Those coins are completely baseless and based on something completely unsecure.
Banks must know the locations of their servers and data centers. Our bank accounts are clear.

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