28. Signal Propagation

Currently electrical signals are propagated or spread in all connections or wires connected to its. This also happened to fiber optical cables or cables.

They have used this faulty or characteristic to implement holes in routers or switches used in computer networks, cable networks, or telecom networks. An internal communication within an organization or company has been relayed by a switch or router to outside world. Those signals kept propagated by other surrounding nodes until dying out.
Using this faulty implementation in a router, criminals could communicate with each other from country to country by sending “innocent” message with a message destined to a local computer. For example, a New York user could send an email to another shell account in New York, but their associate in San Francisco could pick up that message too. This is hard to track down criminal activity in this case.

To fix this issue, all routers and switches must be updated.

Each city, state, province, or country should have a domain node or interexchange node to control incoming and outgoing messages. If any messages destined within its domain generated by internal computer, it wouldn’t relay those to other cities, states, or countries connected to it. If any messages arrived to its domain, but were not destined to its internal computers, it shouldn’t relay those to its internal network.

The above model should be applying to local network of a company, i.e. its internal messages shouldn’t be relay to outside world.
We could also view the “domain” node in the above diagram as a regional exchange in telecom for an NPA or area code. A telephone’s international exchange for a country shouldn’t relay irrelevant messages neither.

Packet analyzer could be plug in at those junctions to monitor network communications. Attackers must send a message directly to other attackers if those live in another city. They can’t use signal propagation.
The other cases were fake web mail accounts. Law enforcement should check those fake accounts or empty accounts used in criminal communications, e.g. login, locations, access by, contents, etc.

*February 7, 2017: Each company with a LAN or local computer network should verify that internal messages didn't send to outside world. I heard that some routers/switches did send out internal messages as a "feature" instead of faulty equipment. This should be called "messy feature". 

* February 8, 2017: In the current situation, if the "messy or fucking" feature in a router or switch turned on:

- All phone or Internet communications within a company would be leaked to outside world.

- All communications within a city, state, province, or country would be leaked to outside world.

Packet Analyzers would be inventory controlled and used by authorized personnel. 

Nobody wanted their communication leaked to tons of fuckers and insane around the world.

* Each company must isolate their networks from leaking, so there are no questions about that.

The best scenario would be isolating at city or town level, and then state/province, country. 

However many cities are built next to each other. There are no clear cables or communication lines connecting those cities in order to plug in a Packet Analyzer. Fuckers could use "illegal/secret" wireless or cable connecting communications for listening between those cities.

City such as Toronto are close to other cities as Markham, Mississauga, Brampton, etc. It's hard to separate communications between those cities. It would be easier to separate GTA and farther away cities such as Barries, Peterborough, Kingston, Hamilton, etc.

It depends on how cities, states, provinces were structured, we will put in a Packet Analyzer to filter out irrelevant messages.

*So far full version of Packet Analyzers has been developed on APY (Ericsson) and special IBM server. Simpler version for Packet Analyzer on special version of EMS (Ericsson-Microsoft server).

Full version of packet analyzers has been deployed in many countries to filter out irrelevant messages and tracking down criminals. Full version of packet analyzer required powerful or super computers.

Since fuckers and insane had demonstrated their ability to infiltrate and fuck all companies around the world, many countries have installed redundant packet analyzers at strategic locations OR getting a second opinions by another packet analyzer to ensure that it's functioned as expected. As staff changing jobs and retiring, we didn't want any problems emerged in 10 years or 20 years from now.

It would be safer if we spread the combination of packet analyzers evenly around the world, so it's harder to fuck or bring down all packet analyzers. For example, USA would use APY and IBM server; Canada would use APY and a super computer manufactured by a Canadian company.

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