9. Carbon tax

Putting an upper limit cap on carbon dioxide emission is a robbery policy. Earlier I thought that carbon emission cap meant “capture carbon dioxide emitting into the air”.

The source of the problem was releasing too much carbon dioxide to the environment would create greenhouse effect as well as polluted air for people breathing.

Making an upper limit on CO2 emission would allow business to release more carbon dioxide to the environment above the limit as long as they’re making more money than set fine.

Having carbon dioxide captured and stored would resolve source of problems. However many factoring owners did not have a lot of money to invest in carbon dioxide capture system, thus giving them tax credits would help them to proceed by a deadline. If they don’t follow this, they would be forced to close down and could not relocate to a poor country and import back goods to sell in our country.

Having carbon tax would kill many industries such as oil sands in western Canada and many factories. Cost would be passed on to consumers, who have been taxed over the roof. Why should we pay those politicians and member of parliaments to kill ourselves?

Federal and Ontario’s Liberals are licensed criminals. They all should get dead penalty for destroying a nation and a province respectively.

If oil sand industries captured carbon in their process as well as refineries, Canadian oil is also a clean energy.

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