20. Fresh water from ocean

I thought about providing water to residents, because bills for water and waste water treatment in Sudbury was horribly high.

Technology business sounds challenging and fun? I prefered the water business, because everyone wanted water.

Taking water from the ocean, desalinating it and delivering to consumers using pipelines. All you need is to read water meters to send users a bill. Neither challenging nor headaches. [Technology company deals with project deadlines and sales all the times -> thinking hard.]

To start we need to get city permission for pipeline constructions. I guess, all cities would welcome water pipelines. Make whole sales of water to city. It's done. You would be able to travel all the time, except coming back by the end of each month to read meters and billing.

The worse case was leaking of water pipelines, but it would cost as much as a couple of hundreds thousands of dollars to fix any affected houses.

* I heard that governments take this water business. Too bad, it's the easiest one. However governments don't do business, thus they would contract/lease out sea salt, which extracts from sea water, to business in private sector, i.e. private companies take care of selling sea salts extracted from ocean water.

* I remembered there is Energy Recovery Inc. working on this type of business with NASDAQ stock ticker, ERII.

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Have you ever paid your utility bills in Sudbury? It is very expensive. Especially water and waste water treatment, it is about 3 times of what Torontonian paid. The waste water treatment is always more than the fees for water used regardless of winter or summer times. Only in the summer, people may water their plants or fill up their swimming pools, i.e. water was not fed into the sewage system (swimming pools may need sewage).

I and my friends were joking about getting wate...r from somewhere else to Sudbury to compete with [City of] Greater Sudbury Utility (GSU). Unfortunately Sudbury is very far away from the ocean, and we should not take water from a lake without city permissions including digging a water well.

Notes: oil pipelines and gas pipelines have drawn protests from many environmentalists. I think, pipeline is much safer than transporting oil or gas by trains/trucks. To make train wagons/containers bullet proof for any accidents may raise costs of gas and oil --> consumers will get cost-passed-on by oil/gas producers. Transporting of water by pipelines would not get any objection, I believe, because it is harmless to environment, good for plants/trees, and people. Flood, if pipeline is broken, is manageable or not-to-bad as compared to an oil spill.

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