16. Design a GPS device

The current navigation devices didn't perform as expected. However manufacturers behaved as they had developed an intelligent devices and requested users to learn.

Is this little device is worth to learn? They're empty. We didn't spend time to learn a PC, which is way more sophisticated and useful.

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Actually I think, if we make the navigation devices (I believe way better than TomTom and Garmin), it would take around 1 year with 10 developers, if done by Microsoft or Google. This would include web pages for support and online documentation.

Both of them have OS, web maps, programming languages, and necessary knowledge including hardware design in house to perform this.
-> Microsoft has Lumina and surface as hardware related stuff
-> Google has Android used in many smart phones, but I don't know if they had made one. Anyway they have hardware designers from other department.

A low end laptop is around $350 CAD, thus the navigation device would cost less than $50 each with necessary features and integrated with web map. It would be easily sold for $100 each to beat down all current navigation device's companies out there.

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I heard that Microsoft and Google are entering the navigation for smart phone.

The base model similar to TomTom VIA 1515 or START 25 [as a reference, so no need to repeat everything] should be $105 CAD with $5 extra paying for necessary licenses, drivers, library such as
- Bluetooth connection to a smart phone for live traffic
- WiFi connection to a smart phone/mobile router for life traffic
- Map data
- Street camera

Maps would be offered by country and regions such as North America, South America including Mexico, Europe, South East Asia, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and South Africa.

Only 2D maps will be supported. 3D maps would cause distraction to drivers, i.e. greater chance of accidents.
- Lifetime maps could be offered to buyers at a reasonable fee.
Otherwise only a preloaded map is provided, and users could opt to buy single one. Otherwise we would have to provide many models. Notes could be printed on the box to avoid competitors providing lifetime maps. OR all models come with lifetime maps.

How long does it take to load a map on the device in case that there’re many models to figure out costs associated per hour?

The base model should have the following
- 8 GB internal memory
- External memory supporting SDXC (exFAD if done by Microsoft – I don’t know Android stuff)
- WiFi
- Bluetooth
- Region map
- Preloaded street camera
- Shortest route
- Fastest route factored in HW with speed limit VS. city roads with speed limit + expected traffic lights
- Avoid toll roads
- Avoid unconventional routes such as ferry, unpaved roads, or farm roads
- Exact routes by selected options would be shown on the web map, and then it could be exported to the device, which would follow corner by corner. I had written some stuff about this earlier including live traffic.

The second model should include the basic model plus live traffic. The mark up price would be based on the live traffic provider fee + profit margin for integration with the device. Only interface for live traffic needs to be added.

The third model should include the basic model plus voice recognition of basic commands. The mark up price would be based on the voice-recognition provider fee + profit margin for integration with the device. Only interface for live traffic needs to be added.
-> The issue was the selling price of this product. Would users be willing to pay a couple of thousand dollars or an IBM Watson for artificial intelligence or not?

The fourth model would be the basic model + voice recognition + live traffic.

Of course if some stuff above had been developed by either Microsoft or Google, the license fee would be lower, and the device could be sold at lower price for the same profit margin.

Each model is different by software loaded. Thus, users of lower model could upgrade their model by purchasing/installing required software. The information below didn’t require lots of storage on the device, but it would help users to know their device capability.
· For the sake of keep tracking model number, each device has a model name, i.e. 4 model names. As long as users upgraded their model with software, the model name on the device and system would be changed accordingly.
· Map version and option should also be shown, e.g. v 10.5 and US_and_Canada lifetime updates
· Live traffic lifetime or v 8.2
· Voice recognition version
· For pricing the box would say the original model name, but synching with the server (record) and device would show correct (upgrade) model name.

These devices would be sold online such as company’s web site or on Amazon, thus lower cost of building retailer networks.

I think, the device would outperform competitors, but sell at lower price. Thus this would take a major share of market OR all market.

To avoid supporting stolen devices, system won’t push out updates to identified device as stolen. If users wanted to sell their device, they must deregister their device by logging in with their credentials and enter a new email address for buyer.

· This could be done on a web page, and device doesn’t need to be connected. The server would record in database as “update credentials” to the device needed.
· New user needs to connect their device to a PC via a USB port. The interface software on a PC would provide an option for user to start, e.g. “Update credentials”. The server would check the serial number and identify the new account has been created. The server would push data associated to the device including new email address. User would only need to select a password to get required updates.
· All devices could be controlled by an email address and password. This means that users would need to login with their credentials in order to get updates from the server.
· In earlier notes, I have mentioned about multiple devices per one count. The software interface installed on a PC must send device’s credentials including email address, device serial number to the server during an update.

* I haven't worked in development of a navigation device. Just attending TomTom user forum over a month to help users with issues as well as what I wanted. I wanted to refresh my memory with technical issues.

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I would develop the web map for integration with devices as follows

1. User would have same options on web map as on a device

- Fastest route
- Shortest route
- Avoid toll route
- Other options if any

After users have selected their options, web map would display the exact route that it would show during a ride with those options set. This way user wouldn't be surprised with unexpected paths.

2. If users have live traffic, but didn't import route using web map, device would be able to suggest paths to avoid traffic

3. If integrated with google map to show route. Google allows users to adjust a route, thus after done the route would be imported to a device. Device would follow the route corner by corner.

4. If web map allows users to adjust the route by stop points in similar way as google map, and if users have imported the route to their device, the device would follow steps by steps and ignore live traffic as in #3.

If users deflected from a planned/imported route from the web map, the device would take over control to suggest a predetermined/default option as fastest route or shortest route. Users could tap on the device to re-select the planned route, the device would steer the user back to the planned with shortest path.

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The current VIA 1515 is sold at Best Buy above $109 CAD at promotion. This device is basic without web map integration.

Those latest devices with [not working] web integration were sold for more than $200 CAD.
-> TomTom advertised for Tyre to plan a route and the route wasn't perfect with their web map. The Tyre subscription ranges from 10 euro to 49 euro.
-> With the web map above, users wouldn't need any extra services.

They have been selling maps at US $75/year (4 downloads), which is close to the cost of a navigation device.

Maps could be offered 2-3 times a year to lower the cost. There aren't many new streets/roads within a couple of months.

Maps could be sold at US $25 per download. Provide a promotion sale at US $15 per download.

Lifetime maps could be sold as an option.

If users paid upfront $50 (2 years of regular price), users would get 5 years of map updates.

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I am used to Google maps. However Bing map has been changed with new color scheme. Both are good.

TomTom is using
mydrive.tomtom.com map. Besides worst functionality for navigation device, the color scheme is really bad, i.e. hurting the eyes.

If users planned a route on mydrive, it looks like a bubble route without any clear path for users to review selected route. The proposed route didn't match the routing algorithm on a device, i.e. useless. They showed something on mydrive, but routed drivers in any paths that the device likes.

Even users used their mydrive, device didn't follow steps by steps, but route users to different paths.

Their fastest route could probably shortest route as it routed through a city roads at 50 km/hour with traffic lights. The nearby highway with 100 km/hour was not selected.

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Planning a trip using web map is important, because the map is larger and easier to zoom in and out, i.e. users knew the exact paths.

I would normally avoid toll roads, however if the proposed route is much longer, I would pay tolls.

What users wanted is shortest, fastest, and no toll roads. Of course, not many users wanted ferry, farm roads, and unpaved roads.

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After more than a month in TomTom's user forum to help users with issues, and to check/compare both of my TomTom devices, I would tell that TomTom is going down with all kinds of issues.

The 2nd generation (NAV2) is better than the 3rd generation (NAV3) device. The NAV4 device is worse than both previous generations.

However TomTom staff is defending their incompetency and devices. Users are upsetting as they had paid for features, but those didn't work for years.

By helping TomTom users to resolve their issues, I knew that TomTom have a nightmare. However they're quite arrogant for their incompetency.
-> Why didn't they acknowledge "incomplete product's" issues was due to former employees, and fix those as quick as they could? Perhaps they wanted to release NAV5 devices.

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TomTom (TT) Home was used as interface software for a NAV2 device with TomTom server. TT Home is installed on a PC.

The new interface software called MyDrive Connect (MDC) for NAV3 and NAV4 devices.

MDC is developed as an empty shell to update a device by a TT server.

TT Home has more functionality and it could download a map in much quicker time. MDC took almost 8 hours for downloading 8 GB maps.
-> If they did it right with stable connection between the server and a client, it should only take 31 minutes.

MDC must rely on a server for downloading even reversing to a previous version of system software and maps. TT server had been down a few times leaving user with useless devices as maps had been wiped out.

However TT kept praising MDC as reliable and modern. TT staff is stupid and stubborn?

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If TT didn't want users to contact customer support, thus customer support would log stupid bugs and complains, then don't create a support page.

To get their customer support's info, basically you have to navigate to the bottom, to the left, to the right, and then back to the top of the page to enter your device model. Finally select an icon for phone number or email address.

The default country is UK, thus nobody could figure out how to get a support phone number or email. Even some UK users couldn't figure it out.

Who would trust those idiots to develop a good product?

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TT requires different email address/account each device. Thus users with more than a device or with smart phones would need to create fake email addresses for a device.

I have written a proposal for them to handle multiple devices with an account

- MDC and TT Home with relevant NavCore's codes could be updated to transfer user's email address, serial number, and device model to TT server for processing. Of course, TT server must be updated to handle additional information. This way user would be able to use one email address for multiple TT devices. This would especially be good for a company with several TT devices.

- Based on serial number and model type [model could be associated to a serial number], TT server would be able to relay relevant maps and services to a navigation device.

- Email should be transferred to TT server, even the serial number would be sufficient. This would help customer support to lock stolen devices. Users are likely to remember their email addresses, because nobody would memorize the serial number.

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I have helped users to handle issues, but it didn't mean that I have supported TomTom with their stupid decisions.

I haven't done a direct support role officially in my career, thus it was a practice to help TT users with their issues. I have no connection with TomTom. Support at TomTom is not easy as they've messed up everything.
-> Even 2 models using different software have the same model name.
-> The same features are operated and figured differently on each model or generation, which made users upset. Basically supports must have each model in hands or user guides of each model.

I used to be a Quality Assurance analyst, thus I knew how to verify and resolve issues. TT developers wouldn't be able to release such a poor quality and incomplete products if I was a TT's QA.

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Those idiot developers wanted users to learn their stupid products, but actually those must learn basic stuff about software development. However their heads are empty, thus forget about this.

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The best size of a portable navigation device should be 5 inches. 6" is a bit large requiring much space on a wind shield.

Portable device is better than in-car navigation system due to its position on a wind shield, i.e. drivers could keep their eyes on traffic all the times.

I don't like in-car navigation system, btw.

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Finally TT released multiple devices per account. However they said that "now is the time that you can finally benefit from this." This is to make user interface and device management easier, so users would purchase several devices, i.e. TT will benefit from this., not the other way around. They're stupid or what.

They limited 10 devices with one used old TT Home interface per account. TT developers are weird and incompetent as usual.

Each device is only an entry in database in term of bytes, and a database could handle many GB or TB of data. The web interface presents each device with a huge but empty icon for a device, which could be changed to a line of data. How many lines would be the limitation of an Internet browser?
-> They could build a cluster of databases, too. The main database only holds serial numbers (few trillions devices.) Based on the serial numbers, the main server could redirect requests to correct database.

Practically there could be a few thousands devices per account or more. I guess, there aren't many firms bought more than 100 devices.
-> There is a user said that s/he is managing 100's devices for his/her company.

Based on what TT released, I don't think that they knew what to do. They're supposed to create multiple devices per account. Those devices could be navigation devices using different software interface such as TT Home, MyDrive Connect, iOS Mobile, Android Mobile, Sport Watch, etc.
-> The way they released an announced sucked, i.e. didn't meet expectation or resolve issues.


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I wrote a detailed proposal to TT to handle multiple devices per account 11 months ago, but TT developers couldn't digest those. How competent are they?

- NAV2 devices are using TT Home on a PC as an interface
- NAV3 and NAV4 devices are using MyDrive Connect on a PC as an interface
- iOS and Android devices used different software as an interface software
- Sport watches used MySport as an interface software

Those interface software have to communicate with a TT server for information anyway. Thus adding a few lines of codes in that software to send additional info such as email address, device's serial number, and model numbers wouldn't take 11 months to do.
TT server would be updated to accept additional data and stored in database. This wouldn't take 11 months neither.

They could create another web page to display all information about devices associated to an email address. Info could be serial numbers, device model, etc.
-> They could offer users to name their devices on this web page, too, if wanted.

Currently users have many devices using different software interface. Thus there should be another web page to allow users to change credentials associated to a device.
-> This could be done by login with current credentials and enter new credentials, which could be already in database.
-> Server would create a trigger in database as "credential update request".
-> After users login using normal software interface with existing credentials, they could click on "update credentials" to get server pushed out new credentials. It is up to the server to determine if "credentials had been existed", the same email address/password applied to the updated device.
-> This process would be similar to "reselling a device".

Since each device is no-longer associated to a different email address, the web page to purchase maps and services must also be updated. Users would have an option to selected a device serial number of name/if implemented. Basically users could purchase different stuff for each device.

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One thing is very serious. If you are incompetent, but arrogant to others, you would be trashed one day.

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Some different TT models have the same model name, which causes confusion in support as well as selecting the correct interface software.

However my device has 4 different model names.
- It's a VIA 1505M World Traveler Edition printed on the box,
- Customer support said that it's is VIA 1510M based on serial number
- The interface software showed its model name VIA 1515M
- Using serial number at a TT web site, it said that it was a START 25

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Some would like to get a navigation device providing live traffic by wireless/cellular telephony network directly or without connection to a smart phone. They would like the navigation device to offer free hand calling.

There are many disadvantage points about those.
-> If a device supports wireless connection, it would be obsolete one day if wireless operators didn't support that standard as Australia planned to phase out 2G equipment.
-> Same applies to 3G and 4G in the future. However you'd pay for the hardware, e.g. 2G, 3G in the navigation device.

Thus pairing with your phone would shield your navigation device from wireless operator upgraded. Users would need to change a smart phone, not the sat navigation device. You didn't pay for the hardware in the device for wireless capability.

If I developed a navigation device, I wouldn't make it as a hub to control a smart phone. The cost of a navigation device to control a smart phone would be higher. How many people would buy one? They would likely be spending on the smart phone with voice recognition in order to get free hand calling like Siri by Apple or by a phone manufacturer.

A mobile phone would be a mobile router to offer free WiFi access to other devices like tablet for games, laptop for work at anywhere with wireless coverage in the future. Thus it's likely that a navigation device would be connected to a smart phone by WiFi in addition to Bluetooth.
-> So, a navigation device is connected to a smart phone via Bluetooth or WiFi in order to get live traffic. Of course the smart phone must provide data traffic using by the navigation device. Users could still be able to use other features of their phone such as voice dialing as in Siri, etc.

It's unlikely that any navigation device manufacturer would make a navigation device as a wireless hub, thus if you did you would get a niche market.

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I found that TomTom is on a downward path. Customers are not patient and leaving TomTom's products.

If you made a horrible decision and defend your ideas this showed "you're incompetent and stupid." TomTom did all horrible designs, but defend those.

My VIA 1505 WTE is my last device with TomTom. They introduced without a key feature on a previous product, but defend as a good improvement. Of course, I had bought a product from idiots.

* Whoever developed a navigation device, make sure that your device offers rerouting back to destination if users passed it, but couldn't stop by.
-> This feature is useful for travelling in downtown core. In cases, you couldn't stop at destination or no parking space on the street; you would have to go straight. The device would offer rerouting to destination [perhaps nearby parking], so you could cruise around the destination.
-> TT removed this feature in later versions of devices. They replaced this with parking destination. Do they know selected parking could be full in downtown? Users would end up stopping and redoing destination in the device.

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2016-05-25 How to deal with map data?

Ministry of Transportation must have data of map in their country. Data should be stored in a database. However, it's not likely that you could purchase map data from the ministry. Did they compile the map by themselves? I guess, ministry bought data from a map data's provider.

So far, google has better map than TomTom. Perhaps TomTom didn't buy data from the same map's provider.

What navigation device does after buying map data? Original data should include street info such as one way, 1-lane, 2-lane, highway, intersection, unpaved road, etc. as fag and entry in database.
- Using a query to insert another column in the original database with proprietary data used in routing with specific algorithms.
- Additional roads should come as a differential database. Using a specific database query, you could add additional data in your database, and then inserted proprietary data. You could insert your data in differential database first, and then imported to your database.

So, it's not complicated neither.

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Actually I haven't got stuck, because I knew how to make a phone call or to use email. Those companies that I had worked for didn't get stuck, so shouldn't I.

Anyway I picked either Microsoft or Google for their in-house expertise. I didn't know many things in details neither.

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By helping poor TT users, I have found that TT designers, developers, and development leaders didn't have common sense.

* A TT device could have internal memory and external micro-SDHC memory card. They should have used both memory space for their stuff or features. No, they decided to use external memory card up to 32GB for saving planned routes or maps.
-> Thus users are left with only internal memory ranging 8GB - 32GB. Of course most of their devices have 8 GB internal memory.
-> US_Canada_and_Mexico map is between 4GB - 7GB. The same size is for Europe map. So, fewer maps could be installed.

* They also created useless feature that I thought it was a bug reported by a user. Spending time and money to design a useless bug? Their managers didn't have nightmare when seeing those reports?

* Anyway I have been working with experts and genii, thus I didn't have nightmare as those managers.

* Actually TT developers didn't have any computer science degrees or used any software applications. Thus it's fine for their idiocy.
-> Btw, a QA Analyst should validate a design, too. They couldn't blindly verify a product based on designer's spec. TT device satellite navigation device is relatively a small system.

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Chinese managers are avoiding genii or experts to their teams, because they're afraid of showing incompetency to others. Most of Chinese are getting jobs or promotion via bribery.

TT development team leaders would only recruit idiots in their teams. That's why TT products are getting in horrible shapes.

Anyway I initially came to TT forum to help users and refresh my technical skills for free. However those TT developers are shitty but so arrogant, so I have trashed them.
-> Perhaps TT developers believed that others are as stupid as they are. Their products, NAV4, are full of issues, but they said/advertised as the best ever made.
-> It's true that TT developers should work for Donald Trump.

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Actually I haven't been stuck with any projects. A navigation device is a small system. Only those idiots believed that they had developed a great and complex system.

I am only stuck with neural networks, because there are so many fucking idiots using and hanging on this fucking system.

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I had estimated 1 year for 10 engineers to get the navigation device integrated with web map done.
However Microsoft and Google have estimated less than a year with 10 engineers, but not all in full time at start.
-> I agreed. Not all of staff would be involved at start, e.g. documentation and web support could be done later. Some could finish their part early and left for others to start.
-> So I picked their estimates.

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If I do this navigation device with 9 engineers, who are not from Microsoft, it would take around 3 years.
-> I always pick the easiest path, btw.

The goal is to develop a better product at lower costs as compared to competitors, thus we would be able to get rid of all competitors.
I would need to do the followings

- License a circuit board of a smart phone including drivers with WiFi router, Bluetooth, external memory card (SDXC), 8GB RAM capability. The circuit for wireless phone could be removed to save money.
- Of course the OS used for that smart phone would be loaded, e.g. Android or Windows
- Contact GPS providers for procedure to use GPS satellites network for GPS coordinates
- License either Google map or Bing map for integration
- Search for shortest route algorithm in books and Internet. Fastest routes would be an update from the shortest route.
- License map data, and then add stuff for routing algorithms.

* The rest would be developed.

* Btw, some said that my proposed solution is so simple. Probably I'm lazy, so I didn't want to break my heads for something.

Actually the navigation system would suggest shortest route to users. if users wanted a faster route, system would show a route to a nearby public airport. If users demanded a faster than that system would route users to a military air force base, where an air force jet could travel 500 miles/hour. For extremely hard to please users, system would route those to a rocket base.
-> I plan to file a patent for the above fastest route algorithm. Anyway this likes a white paper, thus I have sometimes to improve this algorithm before applying at a patent office.

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Actually I had tested out the "Fastest Route" proposed by a TomTom device, I found that they showed a shortest route going through city roads with traffic lights and speed limit of 50 km/hr. There was a highway nearby with 100 km/hr speed limit with around 500m longer route. Thus the highway path would be the fastest route.

* Based on a computer science book that I had learnt at McGill University, each road has a weight associated. Based on the weight, they proposed an algorithm for shortest route. I don't remember details, btw.

* So we could assign km on each road as a weight to destination, and based on the algorithm and map data, we would be able to suggest a shortest route.

* Fastest route is also based on the time travel associated to each route. Thus taking all proposed paths / speed limit, we would get time estimate associated to each proposed route. The fastest route would be the route requires less travel time.
-> We could add an estimate extra weight/time on route going through city roads for traffic light's stops. For example, going through 20 intersection with traffic lights, we could add 1 minute (red light) * 2 traffic stops = 2 minutes added to the total time travel on this route -> to estimate 2 stops by traffic lights (10% of total traffic lights on the route).
-> Some proposed routes would require left turn and right turn, which also impacts by traffic lights. However the estimate is a guesstimate. Nobody knows exactly how to calculate this.
-> The way traffic lights, which were set up, were good, i.e. sometimes drivers didn't need to stop because of a traffic light.
-> A stop sign could slow you down from 10 sec - 3 minutes.
-> These are so many unknown parameters to calculate extra time on a route. Highway is easier unless it's during busy hours.

I don't like guessing games, but here are some ideas for estimating extra time on each route via city roads, where users have to slow down
- each left turn add 20 seconds
- each right turn add 10 seconds
- each stop sign add 20 seconds
- Straight route with traffic lights add 10% of traffic lights * 1 minute

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I don't have the mood to do business currently. Thus I'll probably do the navigation device in 10 years. License fees would be cheaper by then.

* I would be able to pay the same license fees for better technology in 10 years.

* Probably 10 years from now, IBM Watson would be shrunk into a wallet size circuit board. Buying a couple of hundreds of millions Watson would be inexpensive.
-> Navigation device would have only 2 circuit boards, i.e. smart phone and IBM Watson.
-> With IBM Watson, the device would be an entertainment center with preloaded games such as Jeopardy, chess, etc. Of course, IBM would preload these games due to bulk purchase.
-> For serious users, they could connect the device to Internet collecting data, and performed weather forecast.

* The current size of an IBM Watson is 3 stacked pizza boxes, and costs around $3M. 10 years from now with a smaller size and with a large order, I should get a better deal.
-> Source:

>>> this is the beginning of a new era for Watson, but it's also one we've seen coming for a while. Watson's come a long way since the days when it was schooling Jeopardy! Champions, on both the hardware and software fronts. Just three years ago, the supercomputer was the size of a bedroom. Today, it's about the size of three pizza boxes stacked up. It's also 24 times faster and has seen a 2,400 percent improvement in performance. <<<
-> Source:
http://gizmodo.com/ibms-watson-is-now-the-size-of-3-pizza-boxes-its-als-1497914636 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Actually people like smart devices, thus it could be better to develop a smart navigation device.

The circuit board of a smart phone has been used including an OS, we could use all of its functionality.
- Music player
- Handling of phone call with a SIM slot.
- Word processor to handle quick notes
- Slot for USB key board and mouse
- Control any connected smart phone via Bluetooth or WiFi
- 7" - 8" navigation device could be a video player
- game console
- WiFi router

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Users have been demanding larger navigation device's screen.

32 inches-screen would be perfect. Drivers still have about haft of the wind shield to view roads. Passengers in the back seats could share half of the screen for movies with split screen. Of course if the drivers knew the route, the whole screen could be used for playing movies.

Of course, system must include "police detector" in order to fold up to the roof if a police is nearby. Police doesn't like drivers watching movies, btw.

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TT came up with a feature, i.e. 2 or more devices are sync together for destination. This feature is useful when you're travelling as a group.

For example, an owner with several devices using the same live traffic services, same account could be set to the same destination by changing the destination on a single device.

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