13. Hype for a money source?

Hype for a money source?
Somebody said if a company came up with crazy idea, other players would follow suit to gain customers.
* 2007-08 crises happened because US home buyers had jumped in the market with belief that house prices would go up forever. They paid only interests on the mortgage and hoped to make money as prices going up. So riskier mortgages or subprime mortgages sneaked in and collapsed.

USA is obsessed with new technology including science fictions, I think. US started 2 ideas:

1. Mobile payment was taken off, mostly because users wanted to wave their expensive mobile phone, iPhone, in front of a cashier. Credit card is thin and more secure.
- With payment info in the phone, users have their wallet open while going around the city. Hackers could hack in the phone to steal info anywhere. Also they could eavesdrop at busy shopping malls. So, jobs for investigators.
- Credit information on a smart phone must be encrypted without a master key. This would enhance security. However with fucking neurons and memory collector, you couldn't handle any secret to hackers - not to mention about your former employees sold info.

2. Self-driving cars - all hi-tech companies and car manufacturers are jumping in and racing. How could they be sure of their unfailing technologies including computers, sensors, and surrounding equipment such as GPS, and street info's sensors?

* Who would issue insurance for self-driving cars in case of accident?

- Normally with a driver, police could tell who was at fault quickly. It's over for insurance to repair car damages.

- Without a driver and many factors included after police said the faulty car. Insurance might have to go after car manufacturer, sensor manufacturer, computer manufacturer, power utility, etc. I guess, they couldn't go after GPS provider, which is owned by military. If military needed satellites, they would take back those, i.e. no more or faulty GPS signals.

- Power provider could shut down electricity at any time due to trouble or maintenance.

- Traffic lights would go nuts due to technical issues or power outage.

- GPS provider, military, could take back satellite networks at any time for their tasks. We didn't have our own GPS system.

- Other equipment in an automated car such as computer and sensors are electronic equipment and embedded software, which could be defected or buggy.

- Telco or wireless operators didn't offer 100% up time. Wireless equipment providers were allowed to bring down system for maintenance and upgrading at most 20 minutes a year.

- For your record, TomTom GPS jumped like crazy in downtown of Toronto due to high rise buildings. Perhaps, car manufacturers should test out their vehicles in New York City.

* The bottom line is "there are no 100% reliable factors in equipment and environment that the autonomous car manufacturers have been based on."

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