8. Economy vs Environment

April 14, 2014 - notes about environment and protectionists
Canada has a lot of extremists in environment protection! It is very good to reserve nature and save it for future generation. However they have to understand at what costs? All of us pay $100/litter of gasoline + $500/lb of salmon + $200/lb of chicken, etc.? They have to evaluate the feasible or best solutions available and get the economy going - NOT complaining about environment only. The extremists must be fortunate to get a job, if any, for them and complain everything else. How about they are paying gasoline, fish, meat at those prices and then start talking?

I have read many articles about the pipelines to Vancouver, BC. My concern was the bitumen if spilled could not be clean on the water. If this is the case, we should put in a refinery somewhere before shipping --> cost to build and operated would be involved. [I read that it was in order of billion dollars.]

We should not route the pipeline to shipping ports close to any cities. It is safer this way in case of any accidents occurred. No pipeline company would want "spill or explosion", because it would cost them money and reputation to repair those. However, it would be good to route it away from population/cities and don't allow anybody to build houses or facilities nearby --> if accidents occurred --> bad news fly high. Perhaps build a shipping port about 15min - 20 minute drive from a city --> workers drive to work. Residents would not complain about smoke/noise from plant, etc. --> btw, they can install Air Quality Management system to monitor the air quality in the city/plant, if it's above the safety threshold --> temporarily shut down the plant there.
[City of Greater Sudbury has an Air Quality Management system to monitor air quality. Sudbury has a lot of mining operations.]

Don't forget that Canada also needs income generated by mining or oil sectors to support other industries including companies that you're working for. Support could be in forms of tax incentives, public health cares, infrastructures including public transits, etc. Supporting economy and environment concerns should be weighed accordingly not blindly.

Don't tell me that you wanted all Canadians collected welfare, stayed home, no cars, only walk to make sure environment are good?

NOTES: life span of a gas/oil reserves or a mine is limited, e.g. 10 years. Looking at the trends, solar power plants and wind power plants have been built around the world for green energy. However we cannot go 100% on those green powers at the present due to high cost of energy produced. May be several years later the costs go down coupled with battery storage, we would deploy or build more "reliable/constant power output" green energy plants. Don't forget we have to pay for electricity at home and our budget is not unlimited.

Having income from those oil/gas production currently, hopefully governments would invest in "future required" skills by boosting education, necessary infrastructures, required technologies, etc. The coming generations would have skills required for future economy or jobs. Oil/Gas reserves would have been depleted or produced at limited capacity one day.

* We could apply a rule for heavily polluted manufacturing plants to capture and store carbon dioxide released.

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