Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Deal with rabid dogs

 Có trường hợp, chó dại vài chục triệu con sắp hàng thay phiên nhau nhảy vào sủa or cắn. 

Nếu nói cho đám chó lý do rồi nó có bỏ đi luôn không? Nó sẽ lại xếp hàng để lần sau sủa tiếp như là không biết gì. 

Thật là tốn thời gian và năng lượng vô ích. 

Tốt nhất là gặp con chó nào sủa or cắn thì giết hết. Nếu rảnh thì bẻ xương nó cho nó nằm suy nghĩ về cuộc đời của nó. Nó thích forever cycles of unrepentant life or forever cycles of repentant life? Vạn kiếp bất phục hay là vạn kiếp rất phục? 

Như vậy save time and energy. 

Trên đời này thì chuyện gì xảy ra cũng có lý do nhưng chó dại là gì mà đòi nghe giải thích?

Nhiều chuyện nên giải quyết hay xảy ra sớm hơn. Lũ chó dại đã có quá nhiều cơ hội rồi. 

Bất kỳ chuyện gì, đám chó dại vẫn làm thành "never ending stories" cho nạn nhân. Phải cho tụi nó hưởng "never ending cycles of unrepentant life or never ending cycles of repentant life." 


There are tens of millions rabid dogs around us. Those dogs have been lining up to bark or bite victims. 

If you explain what you had done, those dogs would leave you alone or go back to the line up. Then they pretend that they didn't know anything. 

This is a waste of our valuable time and energy. 

It would be better to kill those barking or biting dogs if known. If we had time, we would break their bones. Thus they'll have time to think about their own life. Do they like forever cycles of repentant life or forever cycles of unrepentant life? 

This would save our time and energy. 

Everything happened in life has its cause. However why we should explain or talk to those rabid dogs? What do they think they are? 

Many things should have happened earlier. Those rabid dogs had had so much chances. 

Rabid dogs have turned everything into "never ending stories" for the victims. Let's them enjoy "never ending cycles of unrepentant life or never ending cycles of repentant life."


 Rabid dogs include those, who protect, operate, and maintain neural networks for talking to people’s ears, loading images or video on people's brains, or controlling people’s brains remotely.

Those psychologists and psychiatrists called "diagnosing people’s mental health remotely by using neural networks remotely" are normal. They prescribed people hearing voices or images in absent of others as “bipolar disorder” drugs for the disease called schizophrenia and hallucination. Those psychologists and psychiatrists are also rabid dogs, which would label people as psychopath if not cooperated.

All those rabid dogs above are psychopaths with a health degree and license. Those NSA and MI6 had also obtained fake degree as a psychologist, thus their “judgement” for a person as psychopath would be significant.

Those rabid dogs must undergo forever cycles of repentant life or forever cycles of unrepentant life, so they would enjoy a psychopath life as they wish.

Fucking neurologist/doctors

Let’s call those fuckers protect, operate, and maintain neural networks: fuckers or rabid dogs.

There are some fuckers called themselves neuro or neurologists. How could those fuckers get medical degrees and licenses? There are 2 scenarios:

·       Those fuckers seat in front of a computer system and sending brain signals to human targets. Those fucker’s may have a UI, thus those fuckers only select target names/ID and then execute the commands, which could be blocking our brains, so victims didn’t remember anything. They could send many brain signals including heart attacks, loading video, etc. How could those fuckers get a medical degree? Only technicians specializing in killing people remotely. If you are a target or staying near a target with similar brain signals, then your brain would be impacted too.

·       There are fucking labs with idiots having similar brain signals as ourselves. Those idiots would wear a helmet and special globes “remotely” affect people with similar brain signals wirelessly far away. People may move hands unconsciously, intermittent hurt, etc.

Those fucking brain signals are relayed via Internet cables or secretly buried cable. I am not sure about satellites, because our brain signals are not long transmission range. I heard that our brain waves range could be around 5 km. If you don’t believe it and you’re a target, travel to an empty space such as empty highway or farm land, and pay attention to your health: Do you still hear stuff, brain block, etc.

What is normal brain frequency?

Normal EEG Waveforms: Overview, Frequency, Morphology

Most waves of 8 Hz and higher frequencies are normal findings in the EEG of an awake adult. Waves with a frequency of 7 Hz or less often are classified as abnormal in awake adults, although they normally can be seen in children or in adults who are asleep.

Btw, those high-ranking fuckers are also afraid of being attacks by neural networks. Some times those fuckers got killed, and systems would detect his brain dead, and release his previous commands, which would eliminate those brain signals attacking targets. We would be back in good shapes.

Those deadly things to our brains are temporary, because we’re getting rid of fuckers. Be careful, but don’t be too afraid of this, because we cannot control or avoid those for now. Don’t try to use any electronic equipment to protect your brain, because you don’t know “exactly” what is in it and it could be a source emitting deadly brain signals by those manufacturers.

By the way, there are fuckers up there could use magic to block or manipulate our brains. Those fuckers will be in forever cycles of unrepentant life or in forever cycles of repentant life.

To limit the number of devices emitting deadly or unwanted brain signals, electronic manufacturers should implement passive band pass filters in any devices, which could emit wireless signals, to blocks sending out brain signals. Don’t forget you also have brain signals and attackers could target you too. Laptop, phone, car control system, cable box, etc. are electronic equipment and at low voltages, thus passive band pass filter is feasible.

Those attacking commands and signals could also send via power transmission line, which is in high power. The passive band pass filter is an electronic circuit consisting of resistor, inductor, and capacitor elements. How could we come up with high power electronic elements?