Sunday, October 23, 2016

Improving public healthcare

I think, universal health care is not achievable, because tax payers couldn't support the same level of heath care to every society or towns in Canada. Some villages have a few hundred families. Many villages have been closed down, because governments couldn't provide the same services as offered to bigger cities.

Canadians are used to public health care, so we can't scrap it. However we should make it efficient as well as leave rooms for health care providers made their own profits to improve overall system. It did not sound right as out health care system is the most expensive, but level of care was at the middle range.

1. Allow specializing services in hospitals. Thus outside town or province patients would get help by governments to find treatments from a specialized one.

- Perhaps using helicopters stationed strategically across Canada for this services and rescuers at the same time for close location in case of emergency.

- Because of specializing services by each hospital, governments should cover full cost for Canadians seeking special treatment at a hospital outside of their town or city.

2. Hospitals are allowed to get international patients for additional [internal] R&D budget as long as they provide maximum required Canadian patients, i.e. accept Canadians including out-of-town Canadians and don't charge government [tax payers] overtime rates.

Each hospital has a cap on number of patients be treated annually. Therefore they would be allowed to receive patients across Canada, if they have extra quota and the other hospital full, i.e. a patient will be allow taking treatment at another hospital in another part of Canada earlier according to the waiting list.

- Subsidizing 50% - 80% of airplane tickets, if patient have to travel to another province for operations or treatment.
- Perhaps subsidizing partly accommodation for the out-of-hospital patient, thus this is their choice to get their treatment earlier. If hospitalized, accommodation was covered anyway.

3. There is a waiting list by hospitals for special treatment, and governments have a cap on allowable cases, I think. Some wealthy individuals said that they would like to get "qualified" treatment somewhere else and get refund by governments. To be fair, they must advance their treatment costs, and wait to get reimbursement [by Canadian rates] by the time their cases be considered according to the waiting list. I heard that there was other requirement by government or health care officials, too.

-> There were many Canadians sought treatment with US hospitals, which were very expensive as compared to Canadian hospitals. Therefore Canadian rates must be considered.

-> It’s likely that Canadian hospitals will be allowed to receive international patients at higher rates than they charged governments for treating Canadians. Thus Canadians in the waiting list could also get early treatment by a Canadian hospital at “international” rates. They would get reimbursement at later date [according to waiting list] with rates charged to government in regular cases.

4. Public health care provides peace of mind to Canadians, i.e. don't have to worry if we had to see a doctor or to be hospitalized.

5. There was a speculation that many people have abused system by visiting a family doctor regularly without a cause. Governments have to pay doctor a fee per visit, thus this is not a social service.

Government could try to impose a small fee per doctor visit such as $5 each. This is a small sum to discourage the above scenario, but it didn’t impact others who wanted attention of a medical doctor.

In order to partly subsidize costs of running a hospital, hospital could charge $100 per month, if a patient has to be hospitalized. The minimum charge would be $100 per check-in, i.e. if be hospitalized less than a month.

è Usually a bed was charged more than $120/night plus attention by nurses, doctors, meals, and medication. Thus this fee is really a small charge.

è Check-in a hospital should be considered as “at least couple of days” in an official hospital room. Sometimes we showed up at an emergency department during a weekend for a temporary stay. We may need to check-in as a procedure, but we’re not officially hospitalized.
6. Private health care for Canadian public

Many analysts said that Germany had the most efficient private health care system, where insurers negotiated costs and fees with health care providers.

Obamacare system also provides an inexpensive private health insurance.

Our system is a public health care; it would take a lot of work to convert our system to a private system. Americans paid less income taxes and sales taxes as compared to Canadians, thus they could afford to pay health insurance out of personal pockets.

If we wanted a private health care system, we would need to lower taxes and let people chose the health insurance tailored to their needs. Therefore it would be easier to modify our systems to make it efficient, i.e. [overhead] costs less and better services.

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