Friday, December 7, 2018

Dynamic Time Allocation Model (1997-08-21)

1. General Information

Time supervision is a key element in management, and in supervising task of real-time software.

2. Marketing Analysis

·        In the next section, we will discuss a Dynamic Time Allocation Model (DTAM) that can be used in development of real-time software to maximize its working capacity.
·        Mutual Fund company, e.g. in RRSP the limit amount of money invested in foreign content is 20%.
·        The maximum capital loss of a security or stock, i.e. stop loss based on a threshold or market trend.

3. Product Analysis

We will take an example of development of a mobile telephone software system to illustrate the use of DTAM.

 Ttotalmax = t1max + t2max + t3max

 TTotal = t1 + t2 + t3 + … + tn

·        DTAM Unit allots time required to execute each sub-process and maximum time needed to complete a call set up. It can extend time to execute a sub-process as long as the total limited time does not exceed Ttotalmax. See the following example for details.

·        For instance, a call set up via Signaling System #7 (SS7) requires the gateway to fetch the dynamic roaming number (RRNB), which is used for routing call from the gateway to the visited MSC. The gateway is then used the RRNB to set up the voice path for both calling and called party via voice trunk. Assume that it takes t1 for registration, and the VMSC could not page and put the MS on voice channel after t2max due to congestion. The DTAM Unit calculates required time and allows GMSC sending another paging request attempt to the VMSC as long as: Ttotal <= t1 + t2max + t3min + … + tnmin. This helps to survive a call delivery to our customer.

·        Therefore, DTAM unit controls and allots execution time for all sub-processes.

If we could allot maximum time in a VMSC for paging a mobile phone, we could save processing from sending back “congestion” message to the GMSC, and then getting a paging request again from the same GMSC. If the entire process to set up a call is a few seconds, which would be spread among GMSC and VMSC for processing a call including authentication, locating subscriber, paging subscriber, reserve an air voice channel, and set up voice channel in the voice trunk. The process sending message back to GMSC in case of congestion and another paging request came from GMSC may take half a second in the process, therefore VMSC could buffer that paging request for ½ second before attempting second paging request. Why waiting ½ second? This is to wait a subscriber released his voice channel during this period.

4. Administration Procedure

The system administrator is responsible for defining the following data:

t1, t2, …, tnmin: minimum time to execute sub-process #1, …, #n.

Ttotal: total time permitted for a process

5. Stop loss based on market trend of new value of a stock performance

Using hard stop loss is not a good strategy, because you may hold shares to rebound after a short period of panic selling.

Let consider this case, your share was $100 and your stop loss is $80, i.e. 20% of your current share price.

·        System records both current share price, stop loss and percentage loss for selling share
·        If your share price has gone up to $200, the stop loss would be adjusted to $160, i.e. new peak price.

Market trend indicator could advise your system something on the common stock indices such as NASDAQ, NYSE, etc.

·        If the market trend is going down since the stock reached $200 to $160. This could be a panic selling (bear market, disaster, or short-term worldwide issues); it’s not about performance of this company.

o   System could alert you by email or text messages to validate news about the company at 10% loss based on new peak

o   If you didn’t adjust the stop loss, system would trigger a sell at $160, if share slides down to this price.

·        If the market trend is fluctuates normally, i.e. a little bit of up and down, this is really a case to read news and analyze the issues or sell shares.

6. Reallocating your foreign investment automatically

6.1 Maximum foreign content

Since the maximum content of your foreign investment is 20%, you could set system to transfer funds around to meet this requirement by government.

You could preset the target fund if foreign investment is overflow, so system would transfer money from that foreign fund to it.

6.2 Rebalancing your portfolio

Some strategist suggests to maintain or to balance out our investment between growth fund and income fund based on our age.

You could set this percentage of fund allocation in your system, so it could be transferred automatically for you.

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