Monday, November 12, 2018

AI Doctor Assistant System

1. Introduction

Seriously I don’t trust a computer system when it comes to health related issues including robots performing surgery. Human doctors could react quickly to an emergency situation that was out of previous plans.

There was a discussion about developing an AI system to assist doctors to screen health issues. Especially waiting in an emergency a hospital room is too long for a patient. In Canada if we’re sick outside of regular clinic hours, we could go to any hospital’s emergency department and wait for a medical doctor. However, the nurse would provide initial screening with a few questions and taking temperature. Waiting sometimes could take a few hours.

The AI system would help hospitals to pre-screen patients with symptoms; so on duty doctors would make final decisions quickly.

2. Implementation

Developers simply enter the entire books of medicine in the system including symptoms. This is a question of design a good database for quick processing.

This system could be a web based system with patient, doctor, nurse, etc. logging in different web pages or access system database.

3. Hospital version

After pre-screening patients by a nurse, the patient enters a waiting room with temperature and blood pressure taken, if needed. The nurse would provide the patient with a system ID, thus it could be used as identification in the AI system.

The nurse could use the same AI system to enter the temperature reading, blood pressure, and notes (currently taken any medication) via a web page. This would eliminate this task by patients.

The AI Doctor Assistant system would ask or survey the patient with a series of questions by both voice and text on a computer. For example,

a. Initial Questions

Patient would enter the ID provided by the nurse to trigger a start of pre-screening issues, if it was not done by a nurse. Patients would enter current medication, if not entered by the nurse.

System would show the following questions by voice and text on a screen

Why did you come to our hospital?

-         Pain
-         Fever
-         Other health issues

b. Pain

System would provide 2 images of our body, so patients could click on the area of pains. Depending on the location of pain, different series of questions would be asked.

c. Fever

Different series of questions would be asked.

d. Other health issues

Based on the suggestion of an experienced medical doctor, this should list common symptoms to make questionnaires short and effective

-         Rash (leads to different questions including location of rash)
-         Cough (leads to different questions)
-         Trouble to sleep (leads to different questions)
-         Etc.

e. Decisions

The system would store answers of the questionnaire from (a), (b), and (c) in database.

Based on the questionnaires and nurse’s standard personal notes, the AI system would “guess” a health problem and recommended medications in database. This information won’t be presented to patients as on duty doctors would make final decisions.

Doctors in the emergency room would open the system and viewed patient’s answers as well as suggested health issues and medication by system.

4. Medical clinic version

This version is similar to the hospital version. The exception is the patient must take his/her own temperature and blood pressure by themselves with equipment provided by the medical clinic. An ID is provided to patient, if healthcare ID was not used to identify a patient.

Based on the questionnaires, the AI system would “guess” a health problem and recommended medications in database. This information won’t be presented to patients as the medical doctor would make final decisions.

The medical doctor logins system and uses proper patient’s ID to view data and information presented by the system.

5. Web version for general public

There are many under developed countries that are shortage of qualified medical doctors. Therefore, ICO charity department wanted a web version to provide free screening of sick people using web services via Internet. There would be many translated versions in different languages.

This version is similar to the medical clinic version, where answers of questionnaire are stored in database as well as suggested medications and guessed health issues.

Patients must take their own temperatures. It’s not a common scenario for general public to keep a blood pressure device at home.

This web version only presents “guessed” health issues and suggested the users to see a medical doctor, if serious problems.

System would provide an ID of this session to users, thus an authorized medical doctor could log in system and retrieve information related to this questionnaire.

It is recommended that the web version would be available to general public after a few years of use in hospital and medical clinics. This is to prove its accuracy and effectiveness.

6. Cost of system

By using Win 12 server, it could bring the cost of a system to under $20K USD, thus any medical clinics could easily afford. Doctors in private medical clinics could perform screening by themselves, thus they wouldn't invest in an expensive system.

Up to 10 minutes of screening a patient is recommended, because people are not patience.

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